Auditing - Security

The Auditing - Security page lists changes made to Blackbaud IDs (adding/removing users, changing roles, etc.) and who made each change.

Note: Security auditing can only be accessed by Organization Administrators and Environment Administrators.

Note: The Auditing - Security does not list changes to organization-specific accounts; these are found in the USERROLE and USERS tables on the standard Control Panel > Auditing page.

Columns include:

  • The User (name and ID), i.e. the account that was changed. If the account has not had an invitation confirmed yet, it is considered "provisional", and the column will be blank.

  • The change itself, categorized as an Action:

    • Admin Change: A Blackbaud employee deleted a confirmed user.

    • Invitation Canceled: A provisional user canceled their invite.

    • Invitation Confirmed: A provisional user accepted an account invitation, and is now a confirmed user.

    • Invitation Resent: A provisional user had an email invitation re-sent to them.

    • Invitation Sent: A provisional user has an email invitation to confirm. Once confirmed, the provisional user will become a confirmed user.

    • Legacy Link Added: A provisional user with a legacy account has been associated with a Blackbaud ID.

    • Legacy Link Removed: A legacy account was unassociated from a Blackbaud ID.

    • Legacy Link Updated: A provisional user with a legacy account has had their associated Blackbaud ID changed.

    • User Added: An invitation was confirmed for a provisional user. Does not apply when an invite has been sent to a confirmed user.

    • User Contact Info Updated: A confirmed user had their name or email changed through the Blackbaud identity management system.

    • User Deleted: A Blackbaud employee deleted a confirmed user.

    • User Role Changed: A role was added or removed for a confirmed user. This includes when a user role is changed from provisional user to confirmed user.

  • Details: Additional information regarding the user account changes. These data are truncated when the table is in List view; to display all data from this field, switch to Detail view.

  • Legal entity (name and ID): The organization or individual who is testing/purchasing Grantmaking from Blackbaud

  • Environment (name and ID): The environment type can be Production, Test, Sandbox, or UserAcceptanceTesting. All environment types except Production have a header indicating the environment is for testing purposes.

  • Changed by (ID, name, and type): The person or thing that made the change. Changed by (type) will be one of the following:

    • ClientUser: The actual client made the change

    • BlackbaudUser: An administrator at Blackbaud made the change.

    • Automation: An automatic process (e.g. provisioning, or a team migrating users via their services) made the change